NaBaS operates globally, providing our nature-based solutions and consulting services to clients across various industries and sectors. Our expertise and experience extend to diverse geographical regions, allowing us to address environmental challenges and biodiversity management issues in different ecosystems around the world. From remote tropical rainforests to urban landscapes, we are committed to delivering sustainable and impactful solutions wherever our clients require our expertise.

Our projects span a wide range of locations, including:

  1. Terrestrial Ecosystems: We work in diverse terrestrial ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts. Our services encompass biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, and ecosystem restoration.
  2. Aquatic Ecosystems: We specialize in assessing and managing aquatic ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, and marine environments. Our expertise in this area includes water quality assessment, fisheries management, and marine conservation.
  3. Urban Environments: We recognize the importance of sustainable practices in urban settings. We offer our services to urban areas, helping clients integrate nature-based solutions into urban planning, green infrastructure development, and urban biodiversity conservation.
  4. Agricultural and Rural Landscapes: Our team has extensive experience working in agricultural and rural landscapes, assisting in sustainable agricultural practices, agroforestry, and the conservation of natural resources within these landscapes.
  5. Protected Areas and Conservation Projects: We collaborate with governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders to develop and implement nature-based solutions in protected areas and conservation projects. Our aim is to promote effective biodiversity management, sustainable tourism, and community engagement.
  6. Climate-Sensitive Regions: Recognizing the urgent need to address climate change, we focus on supporting clients in climate-sensitive regions. We assist in climate change vulnerability assessments, adaptation planning, and the integration of nature-based solutions to enhance resilience.